State Educational Achievement Survey(SEAS) is the largest, nationwide, sample- based education survey conducted across India at the block level.

To provide structured feedback on student learning levels at the block level. These inputs are used for policy planning and designing pedagogical interventions to improve quality and ensure equity in learning.

3 rd November 2023

State Educational Achievement Survey is NOT a school-based examination. It is a system-level assessment conducted on a nationally representative sample that aims to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the school education system in our country

By administering a standardized survey to students and collecting information on relevant background variables such as school environment, teaching processes, and student home and background factors.

State Educational Achievement Survey does not provide individual school or student scores. It provides a summary of performance at the Block level.

No, Only the schools selected in sample can participate.

Grades 3, 6 and 9

State Educational Achievement Survey is undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Government of India

PARAKH, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

PARAKH, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

There are three key curricular areas in Grade 3:
Foundation Literacy and numeracy, and grade level Language, Mathematics

There are three key curricular areas in Grade 6:
Foundation Literacy and numeracy, Preparatory Literacy and Numeracy and Grade level Language, Mathematics

There are four curricular areas in Grade 9:
Foundation Literacy and numeracy, Preparatory Literacy and Numeracy and Grade level Language, Mathematics

State Educational Achievement Survey is based on Foundation Literacy and numeracy, Preparatory Literacy and Numeracy, grade specific competencies in Language, Mathematics

It is carefully designed by the PARAKH to enhance validity, reliability and interpretability of the derived measures of student learning

3 test booklets

40 items in each booklet

50 items in each booklet

4 test booklets

60 items in each booklet

Using three different questionnaire to collect contextual informations

There are three types of questionnaires :
● Pupil Questionnaire (PQ) – to be filled by sampled students
● Teacher Questionnaire (TQ) – to be filled by subject teacher of target grade
● School Questionnaire (SQ) – to be filled by school headmaster / principal


The OMRs for Grade 3 students will be filled by Field Investigators and Observers maintaining sanctity

No, the students or teachers cannot take any survey material home